The Adversity Advantage: Leading Through Crisis


We’ve all been there.

That unanticipated, unexpected event that caused your entire life to unravel.  Attention shifts, focus narrows, and a heightened awareness builds around that event, or in anticipation of the distant yet unseen adversary. Emotions? Certainly. Fear wrapped in a blanket of uncertainty. Anxiety. Hope battling doubt. Motivation battling paralysis.

In a crisiswhat emotions dominate your landscape?

For each of us, the response may vary greatly.  Are you personally being affected by the crisis?  Is it impacting your family, your community, your work, or your team? The more you are affected, the greater the crisis is amplified.  Anxiety – you bet.  Palpitations… hyper-awareness… problem-focused insomnia – absolutely.

In a crisis… recognize the fall is faster!

The crisis – and its impact has an exaggerated effect – not just on perception, but on inaction.  And it is the failure to take action that amplifies the effect of adversity.  Successful leaders have courage to take action, while others hesitate.

In the current coronavirus pandemic, much has been opined about the action (and inaction of leaders).  Like you, I don’t always have the answers, but I recognize uncertainty as a leadership opportunity.  Did you do enough to protect your team, your family and yourself?  Did we make the right decisions to minimize the spread and its impact on humanity?  What about the downstream economic impact?


Time will be the deciding factor.  But as a leader, your approach amidst crisis matters.  It isn’t about shouldering the challenge alone – but rather making adversity an advantage. It’s about seeing the opportunity to lead despite the desire to walk away.

To do this, you must understand your perspective.  How you view things dictates how you respond.  Educate yourself.  Understand what is known – and openly state what is not.  Glean clarity in uncertainty – and take courage to act.

Recognize a hopeful perspective motivates – fear isolates. Clearly articulate the value of your team and your dedication to them. Provide perspective, embrace hope, offer gratitude, seek opportunity, and stand firm as the storm rages on.

During the ongoing pandemic, we were determined to flip the focus from fear to action. Don’t try to wait out the storm – go jump in the puddles! Recognize and embrace the anxiety associated with the anticipated viral tsunami. Empower with education and communication – and remain anchored to the attributes that allow you to lead well.

The storm has not yet cleared, but our perspective stands fast. Has yours? Remember this: leaders show up in a crisis.  Be that leader. 

Make adversity your advantage.

Bret NicksComment