Shifting Your Focus: Leading Through Crisis


What are you looking at? In this current time of crisis… where is your focus?  Are you paralyzed by what is before you such that your gaze is fixed on the past?  Are you overwhelmed by the rate and volume of (mis)information coming at you? Each day we are bombarded with information from every direction.   The challenge for most of us is being able to discern truth from fallacy – to find the signal through the noise.  Sometimes we become so distracted that clarity isn’t common. We have all heard the phrase, coined by John Heywood in 1546, 

“Can you see the forest for the trees”?

When change comes like a wildfire, our perspective is greatly impacted by the disruption we are facing – regardless of occupation or location.  But to Heywood’s point, are you able to discern an overall pattern from myriad details? Can you move beyond the emotional impact to see more broadly.  Or are you overwhelmed by the details and derailed to the point where it obscures the overall situation?

Can you see the big picture?

In today’s world (perhaps we should interject, pre-pandemic), we are often too busy with work, career, endless activities, to-do lists, technology, and multitasking that we fail to embrace what we really value in life. It is often said, if you aren’t certain what you value in life, look at your calendar – time is your most limited commodity. Perhaps, we have given up on what brings value to pursue what we are told is of value.  We spend more time online spending money we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t like or even know.

We live in our homes as strangers - not taking the time to grow relationships with our significant others or children.  We don’t know our neighbors. Our kids don’t know how to have a conversation without using their thumbs – or a device – and remain distracted from the world around them. Unaware.

Does this carry over into the work environment?  Absolutely.  For some, in crisis, it comes in the form of unemployment, furloughs, working virtually or in a manner that is vastly different.  A shift from a successful mindset to instinctual survival. Often focused on how to survive – rather than how to thrive. 

In time of disarray, can you see the benefit through the trials? If you are leading teams through a new virtual platform, in what ways has this changed your engagement? How do you connect in a meaningful way?

Are we still so busy with trying to build success through our old approach, that we have forgotten what creates significance for our teams, ourselves, and our families?

It is Time to Shift your Focus!

It has been said on an increasing basis that our focus is starting to change – forced by the current pandemic that has left many isolated, jobless, and in fear of their own health. Richard Hendrick, a Franciscan Brother in Ireland, penned a perspective about this changed world:

“They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise, you can hear the birds again. They say that after just a few weeks of quiet - the sky is no longer thick with fumes, but blue and grey and clear. In Italy and Spain, neighbors sing through open windows to comfort the lonely. In Venice, the waters have cleared, and dolphins have returned.”

And perhaps you have had your own personal reflections of things changing – at home, work, or elsewhere? What has caused you pause – or taken notice?

While these conjure amazing images in our minds, it does not eliminate the gravity of our current scenario.  However, it should shift our focus.  These weeks and months of uncertainty and fear brought on by something unseen will no doubt leave an immeasurable imprint on each of us.  An imprint far greater on some than others – but present, nonetheless.

Yet within the shadows of this tragedy, life emerges, opportunities are created.  The course of life has a new trajectory, albeit forced by untoward events, but through this each of us are learning to live life anew.  And some of what we are each learning, we hope not to lose.

Can you see the forest for the trees? Decerning what is of value from what is distracting.

Can you shift your focus to what is possible, not what is feared? And lead your team, your family and yourself to embrace that possibility.

Can you lead in such a way that draws others to share new perspectives – new possibilities… and build a better community out of the proverbial ashes? You Can! 

Take a moment to reflect on what focus shifts you have encountered over the past few months.  How has it impacted what you are doing at work? Home? Personally? What you are doing now to Shift Your Focus, to maintain it – and share it in the comment area.  Encourage and empower others by sharing your insights - and what you are doing about it!


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