Being a Person of Influence: Leading Through Crisis


It has become common vernacular in the medical world – Person Under Investigation or PUI. And with it, the concerns related to medical staff and physician exposures – and falling into the balancing act of helping humanity with the subtle fear that it may well impact your own. In addition, if you are the patient identified as a PUI – you are asked to remain isolated until confirmatory testing is completed.

However, too often, as one that serves in the medical profession, we think of our platform as something that is solely tied to our position or specific occupation.  What we do and how we do it influences the people who work alongside us in the chao or calm that is often self-manifest. Often, we think, that perhaps our platform for influence does not reach outside our areas of authority or daily grasp – but nothing could be further from the truth.

This current pandemic sheds tremendous light on this perspective and on our ability to have positive impact on those around us struggling with the fear of uncertainty. From our neighbors isolated in fear to the patients that are presenting to the Emergency Department with fever and cough, the pervasive question promulgated by media-driven fear resonates in their minds – do I have the coronavirus? 

Am I going to die? 

For those that have the illness and now are lost in a sea of isolation physically, mentally, and emotionally – being a person under investigation or with known illness conjures fear and uncertainty.

It is in this time that no longer should we be solely focusing on PUI’s but rather, as leaders, we should be embracing our call to being a POI – a Person Of Influence.  When surrounded in times of crisis, such as this global pandemic, or the trials of a common day, we must recognize the impact we have on our teams and those close to us. 

Extend grace. Show compassion. Live in each distant embrace of others

If you are a physician or medical provider, recall what drove you to a career in medicine - to help heal the sick, comfort the dying, be hope amidst uncertainty, and to encourage and stand strong alongside those that stand in the gap with you.  

Regardless of your profession, when you believe that you are part of something greater than yourself – you remember your Why (thanks, Simon Sinek). Hope is anchored on and manifest through your Why. And hope breaths life that overpowers fear.

Are you a person of influence?  For all leaders, the answer is a resounding yes!  But what type of influence do you cast? 

As a leader and a care giver (which we all are everyday), look for ways that you can positively influence others. Ways to come alongside others during difficult situations. Encourage and elevate. Breathe life into your teams and the influence will return exponentially. And at the end of the day – even when tired or weary – hope will remain. As a leader, be that person of influence that changes the world one interaction at a time.

Be a POI - Lead like it matters.